Thought of the Day – 4/8/2014 – Goodnight Gorilla (G)

The watchman/security guard/zookeeper in the children’s book Goodnight Gorilla is one of the most oblivious characters in literary history.

A gorilla steals your keys, lets out all of the other animals, follows you home, gets in your bed (next to your wife), and you don’t notice?

I get being tired and wanting sleep (which, coincidentally, happens pretty much every time I read it), but seriously dude there is a lion on the floor in your bedroom.

Get it together.

*   *   *

(Author’s note:  Wondering why there is a random letter in parentheses in the title of this post?  Not sure how this post corresponds to the daily letter in the April A to Z Challenge?  Like clicking on links?  These questions are all answered here.)


Thanks for the memories! My son LOVED this book when he was a toddler – we read it every night. The premise that the zookeeper had no idea what was going on always cracked me up! 🙂 -Amy at

I LOVE this book–it’s one of my go-to gifts for toddlers/new babies. I’m also glad that it’s available in a board book format so little ones can look at it over and over without fear of ripping the pages–books need to be handled in order to be loved!

Seriously…WTF!? Worst…husband…EVER. And if you knew my ex-husband, you know I set that bar pretty high. (low?)

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